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Fresno City Council Votes To Loosen Tough Marijuana Law

Joe Moore
Valley Public Radio

The Fresno City Council is moving forward with a plan to modify the city's medical marijuana law. But as FM89's Joe Moore reports, the change could be short lived. 

The new law would amend another passed last year by the council that banned all marijuana cultivation in the city. If the new proposal becomes law, residents would be allowed to grow up to four marijuana plants indoors, for their personal medicinal use.

Councilmember Clint Olivier voted in favor of the change. He says with marijuana legalization headed to voters in the 2016 election, any change could be short lived. 

Olivier: "I think that the ship has sailed. I think the state of California is on its way to joining Colorado and a couple of other states in legalization."

Councilmember Steve Brandau was one of two no votes on the change. He says he's concerned that it could result in the city having a different policy from the county.

Brandau: "In district 2 we have a lot of county islands, that means people will be living underneath completely different rules, I'd like to see some conformity."

The council is expected to take a second and final vote on the measure in the coming weeks. 

Joe Moore is the President and General Manager of KVPR / Valley Public Radio. He has led the station through major programming changes, the launch of KVPR Classical and the COVID-19 pandemic. Under his leadership the station was named California Non-Profit of the Year by Senator Melissa Hurtado (2019), and won a National Edward R. Murrow Award for investigative reporting (2022).